I Close My Eyes To See

Category: Kindle Store,Kindle eBooks,Religion & Spirituality

I Close My Eyes To See Details

In 1991 Dan Rhema was the director of an intercultural training center in Mexico until an epidemic of dengue fever swept through the town where he lived. Dan contracted three different strains of the fever. Critically ill, he was flown to Atlanta, Georgia where the Centers for Disease Control specialists worked to save his life. The multiple types of dengue had deteriorated into a deadly combination of meningitis and encephalitis and, later that evening, Dan had a near-death experience. He left his body and took an unexpected journey to the other side. Dan did not come back to this world as the same person. His brain damaged from the fevers, Dan returned as a stranger in his own mind. During his recuperation, Dan found himself navigating an uncharted dream path through his unconscious mind. He began to chronicle this mystical dream journey by compulsively creating multimedia collages, sculptures, and masks from found objects.  He also began to paint, capturing the images flowing through him in a unique three-dimensional style. It soon became apparent to Dan that these acts of creation were healing and re-creating him. He has taken this realization and made it the focus of his art. Trauma can awaken creativity and, through creativity, healing can begin. Told through a unique pairing of Dan’s words with over one hundred pieces of his art, I Close My Eyes To See, is the story of Dan’s extraordinary journey from near death to new life. The full color images in I Close My Eyes To See are best viewed on an ipad or color tablet in vertical mode.


I have never heard a story quite as amazing and moving as Dan Rhema's. He is truly one of those blessed individuals who was given a second chance at life. In his case, that second chance led him to create some of the most imaginative and beautiful pieces of artwork that I have ever seen.In this book, the reader is taken on a visual journey through Dan's life, death and rebirth. I have seen his pieces before, but it adds so much more to read, in the artist's own words, what inspired him to create his wonderful sculptures and paintings. The paintings themselves are amazing; filled with vivid colors and a true sense of emotion. The reader is given a full tour of these works, and it is inspiring!If you haven't read this wonderful book, you definitely should. Dan Rhema's story is one that can apply to us all. Never disregard the blessings of this life. If you follow your heart, you can accomplish anything!

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